Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Google Ads

With the rise of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), it’s no longer a challenge to write or optimize an ad that will trigger the target audience.

Google Ads has made great strides in ML and AI since the 2020s. These innovations naturally lead people to prefer Google Ads more and more. With the help of ML and AI, it’s easier for advertisers to increase conversions.

In this guide, you’ll find examples of how you can use ML and AI in Google Ads to improve your campaigns.

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    Responsive search ads

    Responsive Search offers 3 different titles, 2 different 90-character descriptions, and automatic testing. Google Ads creates combinations of the titles and descriptions you provide and tests them over time. Through ML and data analysis, Google determines the most relevant and effective combinations for specific user search queries.

    Ad strength

    When you create or edit an ad, you measure its relevance and quality with the Ad Strength metric. Google Ads also makes suggestions on how you can improve ad strength. Depending on these suggestions, you can optimize your content to increase ad strength.

    Optimization score 

    The Optimization Score metric assigns a value between 0% and 100% to the performance of your Google Ads account. The value is determined based on details, such as account campaign settings, status, statistics, and history of recent recommendations. In addition, the optimization score affects important aspects such as potential ad campaign recommendations, ad extensions, bids, and budgets. Google then offers suggestions to improve your optimization score.

    ML and AI in Google Ads
    The optimization score shows how effective your ads are.

    Automatic bidding

    You can bid much more rationally with automatic bidding supported by artificial intelligence. On the other hand, with manual bidding, it’ll be difficult to find the most accurate bid among thousands of competitors. Depending on the goal of your ad, you can choose one of the options for automatic bidding. For example: maximize clicks, maximize impression share, maximize CPA, maximize conversions or improve cost-per-click.

    Smart campaigns

    Smart Campaign aims to improve your PPC campaigns by using artificial intelligence. This way, you can create more effective campaigns much faster. For example, after you enter a few lines of text about the product or service you would like to promote, Google Ads will write a text for you, thanks to artificial intelligence. Moreover, the automatic maintenance function makes it easier for you to set keywords and bids. 

    Automated ad extensions

    You can increase your clicks and conversions with automated ad extensions that Google uses artificial intelligence to add wherever it deems necessary. You also pay for these extensions when users click on them.

    ML and AI in Google Ads
    Ad extensions are important because they help you attract the attention of the audience. Source: Grow My Ads

    Dynamic ads

    Google wants to show the right ads to the right people with dynamic ads. To do this, provide Google with some landing pages. Based on the content you put into your campaign, it uses tools like A/B testing to create the best ads to grab your users’ attention. Past performance is always appreciated.

    Similar audiences

    Similar Audiences is one of the targeting tools that Google uses to help you optimize your ad campaigns. Using the large amount of data that Google stores about users, it determines the characteristics of visitors, such as age, location, and interests, and creates a list. Google then uses this list to identify new users who match the listed here.

    Decreasing variables

    As machine learning collects more data, it provides more accurate results. In addition, if you split your campaigns by location, the number of variables decreases. Then, Google can set bids more efficiently. To increase your campings strength, you can optimize your campaigns for the last 30 days of data. 


    Google has developed effective AI-based targeting features that allow us to target the right consumers with the ads all the time, such as Custom Intent, Smart Display, or Custom Affinity. This means your ad hits the right people with the right budget. Once you find the right audience, you’re very close to converting them into customers with retargeting.

    Key takeaways

    ???? Over time, Google is attaching more and more importance to artificial intelligence and automation.

    ???? Automations save you time and money.

    ???? Data is very important. The more quality ML achieves, the more successful it becomes.

    ???? You can achieve success with your advertising campaigns in a shorter time if you take advantage of automations and smart suggestions.

    If you need a custom solution, you can contact our experts now.

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