5 helpful tools for detecting AI-generated content

Was the article you’re reading created by an AI or written by a human? That distinction is getting harder and harder, isn’t it?

ChatGPT was released last November by OpenAI. With surprisingly good results, publishers have been thinking about the future of AI content. And, they’re on red alert. Because although AI gives grammatically correct and human-like answers, it doesn’t know whether the answers are correct or not. Therefore, the risk of infollution increases even more.

Google has already announced that it’ll give more weight to high-quality content on results pages with the Useful Content Update. This update aims to ensure that users find useful and valuable content that is well-written, informative and accurate information and to reduce the visibility of spam content. This includes low-quality content created by AI.

A story or an email you read this morning may have been written by an AI, but on the other hand, various tools detect such content.

On this post

    How do AI detection tools work?

    AI systems generate content using predictive algorithms. For example, they may predict the most likely next word in a sentence. However, how does Google detect AI content even if they’re surprisingly well-written? Google uses a language model to predict the likelihood of certain words and phrases in a text. Other AI detection tools also use similar models to determine how humanly a text is written.

    AI systems leave easily detectable AI traces in all the content they create. Thus, content detectors analyze the words and syntax of a text and look for patterns in it. If the tools detect similar patterns, they perceive content created by AI.

    Based on these traces, the tools can easily identify whether it’s AI content or human content:

    • Repeating words
    • Copied text
    • Easily predictable words
    • How smoothly the content reads
    • Sentence length, etc.
    • Inaccurate data
    • Lack of analysis

    Last but not least, these tools can be helpful in detecting AI content, but keep in mind that they aren’t excellent.

    The tools to check for AI-generated content



    Do you want to write content by helping AI or detect AI content? With Writer, you can do both of them. However, the tool believes that checking articles before publishing and turning them into human-quality posts are essential in today’s digital world. The AI detection tool has the ability to detect GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), GPT 3.5 and ChatGPT. It analyzes the text you provide and gives you a detection score in percent. Based on this value, you can tell whether a text was created by an AI or a human. Unfortunately, you can only test a maximum of 350 words at once, but you can use this tool for free.

    Content at Scale 

    Content at Scale

    This platform also offers both an AI content creation and an AI content detection tool. Is this a dilemma? No, because the tool already claims to create human-quality blog posts. That is, it automatically optimizes the traces left by artificial intelligence with human-like content.

    The tool analyzes text using a combination of AI engines, NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms, and semantic analysis. Therefore, It’s also capable of detecting GPT-3, GPT 3.5 and ChatGPT. It offers 2,500 characters for free analysis, and estimates the percentage of real and fake content based on word count. Then, your content gets a detection score of 100.



    HuggingFace is a fine-tuned version of the RoBERTa base model trained with the outputs of the GPT-2 model. You can use this tool to find out if a text was generated by the GPT-2 model. However, the tool provides results for the English language only. You’ll see where the content ranks on the scale from fake to real after analyzing. The longer the text, the more accurate the result. However, no information about the word limit has been provided. You can use this tool for free.



    Since Originality is also a plagiarism detection tool, it differs from other tools with this feature. The tool can detect GPT-3, GPT2, GPT-NEO and GPT-J. However, you need to register and purchase credits to use the tool. One credit costs $0.01, and you can analyze 100 words with 1 credit. You need to buy at least 2000 credits at once. Although there is no free trial feature, you can buy the first 2000 credits with a 50% discount using the coupon code “beoriginal”.

    GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room)


    This tool was developed by a team from the MIT-IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Harvard NLP specifically to detect content generated by the GPT-2 language model. It uses basic statistical methods to identify AI-generated content. The tool analyzes the predictability of each word in the text, compared to the previous word. After analyzing your text, the 10 predictable words to appear are highlighted in green. Words that are among the first 100 and 1000 predictable words are highlighted in yellow and red, respectively. If a word is highly unpredictable, it will be highlighted in purple.

    What happens if you publish your AI content without testing?

    What happens if you publish AI-generated content without testing it, and Google determines it’s not human content? Your website ends up in Google’s black books, and its SEO score drops. In other words: Your content will lag behind your competitors in search results. Moreover, creating low-quality AI content can harm your brand’s image.

    To avoid being penalized by Google, you need to create high-quality AI content. Test and edit your AI content using the tools mentioned above.


    Do AI detection tools want to put an end to AI writing tools? No, of course. They just want to prevent content that doesn’t add value and causes infollution. What can you do as an AI writer? Optimize your AI-created content based on the detection results and turn it into human-quality posts. Ultimately, such tools can save us time, but you should invest time and effort in writing content to achieve an effective result. 

    What will be the next goal of AI content creation tools? Generating undetectable AI content?

    If you have any questions about AI in business, contact us now.

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