Deep Dive Newsletter May 2021

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N-Gram Analysis on Keyword Planner Data

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You can discover interesting search patterns for your SEO strategy by analyzing n-grams in big keyword lists. Here is a real life example of how easy and fast it can be done.

Free Online Tool: Group Your SEO Keywords Into Topics

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If you struggle with Python Programming but still want to use the grouping approach, I have good news for you! In this post, I’ll describe how to use our free online grouping tool to get results, and you can find our updates on our tool here.

Autocomplete Keyword Tool

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The most common autocomplete source are keyword suggestions from Google search. But there is more than that! With our free scraper tool, you’re also able to select the autocomplete suggestions of YouTube, google shopping and Google News. If you want to get more insights in the different search intents of the user, you should have a look at all autocomplete sources. Our smart approach for showing search intent n-grams will give you those insights right away.


Close Variants Could be the Ultimate Move to Push Smart Bidding into the Market

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Google seems to have big plans for Smart Bidding. One can expect that they can alter their product in many ways for success. Close variants could be the ultimate move to push Smart Bidding into the market.

How to Clean Close Variant Matches by Using Negative Keywords?

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Google seems to have big plans for Smart Bidding. One can expect that they can alter their product in many ways for success. Close variants could be the ultimate move to push Smart Bidding into the market.

Should you Add Negative Keywords on Campaign/Adgrouplevel or Use Shared Sets?

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Although the answer to this question differs according to the task at hand, using shared sets on MCC level has huge benefits when maintaining the negative keywords.

Negativation Strategies for Bad Traffic Segments in Google Ads

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We’ll see more and more inefficient search patterns and wonder how our budgets disappeared very soon. But there are ways to outsmart Google and deal with close variants.

How to Find Good Product Keywords in Google Ads?

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Users search for products in many ways. It may be challenging to find the correct keywords. Here are some smart approaches for a better Google Ads performance.

Product Keyword Extractor


The Product Keyword Extractor Tool is using the autocomplete with search patterns like “[%brandname%] review” to get product specific keywords. The tool is also doing the Regex Cleaning to show the keywords in a way you can use directly for your e.g., PPC campaigns.

AI in Business

Target Best Prospects for B2B by Using Lead Scoring

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Time is everyone’s most valuable asset. Engage in unwanted dialogue is nothing more than a waste of time. Even though collecting as many leads as possible opens the door to success, you also need exact analysis to filter out most import ones. How can you achieve successful sale conversions?

AI in Business for SMBs as Digital Transformator

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been recognized as one of the central enablers of digital transformation in several industries. Robotics, automation, speech recognition might be considered as an industry itself. But, AI can be applied by SMBs to improve their businesses, their services, their processes, or their products, too. Many SMBs are struggling in finding their path among the big, unclear AI world in this digital century.

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