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How to analyze winning and losing search patterns

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Comparing query performance in time (28 days, 3 months, or a custom time) helps you keep track of your overall Google Search performance. You’ll see which queries and n-grams are performing the best or where you lack impressions and traffic.

Free PEMAVOR tools for content writers that boost your content strategy


Would you like to know what will make you a more effective content writer? The answer would be the tools you need to manage, organize and analyze your content. The good news is that there are many free PEMAVOR tools for content writers that will help you create powerful content every day.

Scrape the Google Scholar Autosuggest with Python

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As a Google Scholar contributor, you may wonder how to target more publications. In this post, I’m going to show how to scrape Google Scholar Autocomplete so that you can reach a larger target segment for your publications.

Top 7 Autosuggest Keyword Tools You Can Use Now


With the right keywords, you can reach millions of people without spending a dime. These tools will help you find new keywords to enrich your content. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SEO marketeer, there’s no denying that autosuggest tools are an essential part of your keyword research.

10 best keyword grouping tools that every marketeer should know

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If you’ve made a list and researched keywords that your site already ranks for, you could be well on your way to increase your traffic. Your next step, however, should be to review those words to see how they fit together and develop a content strategy.

The 5 best free HTTP status code checker tools to track down problems

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Most websites are accessible via HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). If you often have problems accessing your website or receive error messages, it’s time to check your website with an HTTP status code checker.


Google Ads for B2B companies: How does it work?


Is there a shortcut to get more conversions for your B2B company? You want to generate more leads and increase your sales and profits without investing a lot of time and money? To do this, you need to find the right way in the first place as the wrong methods will only lead to disappointment and frustration.

How to expand your negative keyword lists in PPC

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Google’s recent changes to keyword match types and the increase in close (sometimes not close at all) variants also have implications for how you should handle negative keywords in Google Ads. It is described how you can deal with this to stop wasting money on poor search terms in this post.

Best Google Ads Script Resources

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If you’re looking to start optimizing your Google Ads campaigns, there are plenty of scripts out there. However, you would want to figure out which ones are actually worth your time? We’ll help you figure out which scripts are best for driving more qualified traffic to your website, increasing conversions, and saving money on your Google Ads account.

PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, September 2022

If you missed some of our recent posts this month—don’t worry! We’ve got the best PPC posts right here for you to read. From PPC tactics to Google Ads—we’ve got it all for you.

Data Science

How to pull Google Auction Insight Data in an automated way

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Auction insight data is quite useful to understand your competition in google ads. It is possible to do it on keyword level. This data can explain why your CPCs increased over time

Import Offline Conversions to Bing Ads Automatically [Full Script Solution]

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This post will show you how to setup the complete process automation to bring offline conversions to your Microsoft Advertising account, just by using Google Ads Scripts and Google SpreadSheets.

PhraseON-PPC at its best! 

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Manage your Search Terms and Negative Keywords in Google Ads at Scale.
Apply for the FREE Beta and see how it works for your own Google Ads search term data:
— Detect poor performing search patterns on n-gram level and add them with one click across multiple accounts.

— Make use of all available conversion actions to analyze performance.

— Enrich existing negative keyword lists with close variants and semantic similar words.

— Automatically add negative keywords based on rules.

— Route the traffic between campaigns with logical entity lists.

— Simulate the effects of negative keyword lists before you publish them into accounts.

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