HTTP Status Code Checker

FREE Http Status Code Checker

Check your http status codes with our free online tool. Paste your URLs and get instant results.

Bulk URL Checker for 100 Urls

We allow to process URL status checks for a bulk list of up to 100 URLs.

Internal Link Checker

You can also provide a single URL to extract all links for using them as input for the status code checker.

Analyze request details

Get detailed information about redirects and timings of your requests to detect issues with your URLs.

Types of HTTP status codes

HTTP response status codes indicate whether a particular HTTP request is completed successfully. Each class contains different responses, and the responses are divided into five classes. Moreover, while there are specific codes in each class, the first number indicates which class it belongs to. You can keep this HTTP status code cheat sheet with a screenshot so you don’t forget it.

Successful responses:

200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-authoritative Information

Redirection messages:

300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified

Client error responses:

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

Server error responses:

500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout

Informational responses:

100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
102 Processing

What’s the HTTP status code?

A Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) status code is a numerical value that indicates the success or failure of an HTTP request. This number tells whether a request was successful, as well as the response code and other details. The HTTP status code can also be used for error messages, which you can use to tell users why their request failed. For example, a successful request returns the status code “200 OK.” This means that the server is OK and the requested URL is valid. A server returns the status code “302 Found” when it redirects a user to another URL.

What’s the HTTP Status Code Checker tool?

HTTP Status Code Checker allows you to query the HTTP status code that the web server returns when requesting a URL. It works with HTTP and HTTPS URLs. With our tool, you can instantly get valuable information about a URL and its HTTP status. It’s useful for troubleshooting, debugging, and testing. Then you can fix the problem and share the results with your team. In addition, you can use the tool for free for any website.

Why should you check HTTP status codes?

By regularly checking your website’s HTTP status code, you can determine if there are any issues with your website, and if so, you can fix them before they become major problems. First of all, you can find out in seconds if your page is invalid, found, or if there’s a bad request coming from the server. This way, you’ll know immediately where you need to do something. The improvements will increase the reliability and value of your website. This will definitely have a positive impact on your SEO efforts as well. If your website has bad requests, it means that your website has errors. These errors can affect your SEO results. If you don’t bulk URL HTTP status codes, you won’t know what’s affecting your SEO efforts. Then, you might be wasting time and money. In addition, if you’re performing poorly on search results pages, it’ll be difficult to drive traffic to your website. This can also have a negative impact on your marketing conversions. That’s why checking HTTP status codes monthly will help you fix problems on your website in no time.

SEO and HTTP status codes

HTTP status codes are helpful when you need to check your website and especially its server problems. If you manage to identify and fix these problems quickly, you’ll make sure that your website works well for both users and search engines. If you want to rank well in the search engines, you need to make sure that your website is always working correctly by checking the status codes reported by the server. This is one of the most important things you can do for a website. The status codes help you understand what’s happening with the website and what the issue is. For SEO reasons, you can use the 301 redirect status code when you change the URL of a page. This is because when the page is changed, it’s also changed in the search results. So you should make sure that you use a 301 redirect status code when you move a page to a new URL. This will allow Google to track the new page and transfer all backlinks to the new page.

How to check your HTTP status with the HTTP Status Checker Tool

The tool helps you to check the URL status code of your website. It’s very easy to use the tool. All you need to do is to follow three simple steps:

  1. Paste your URL (or a list of URLs) into the field.
  2. Click “Check” to generate your report.
  3. View your data.

Python script to check multiple URL status

With this Python script, you can check the status codes for a large number of URLs in a few hours, compared to the HTTP Status Code Checker. Due to the limitations of the URLFethAPP service, it takes at least five days to check all URLs with Google Ads scripts, but with this line of Python code, you can check it much faster. And if you are looking for a more advanced solution instead of this tool, you can edit the Python code and add more operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The HTTP Status is a simple way to see the health of your website.

It’s limited to 100 URLs.

Yes, it can be exported.

Yes, It’s a free tool for everyone.

The internal link checker is downloading and parsing the provided URL. All links are extracted and send to the url status code checker tool. Requests are limited to 100 checks.