Keyword Negativation

Don’t waste your budgets for not relevant search queries!

Keyword Clustering and Grouping

Need better organic traffic? Find the most important keyword topics with cluster analysis.

Keyword Tagging

Need relevancy in keyword topics? Understand what the users actually search for.

GDN Placement Optimization

Tired of wasting your budget on spam? Detect and optimize display placements at scale.

Google Ads for B2B

Scaling a B2B company with Google Ads can be very challenging.

Google Ads Bidding

Google is pushing hard its smart bidding to the Google Ads accounts.

Google Ads Keyword Scaling

If you want to scale your business with PPC you have several options.

Google Ads Audits

Are you missing opportunities in your account or waste budgets in some areas?

Account Management

We have solutions to build up a complete best practice account structure by just providing a feed of your product data. Shopping, normal keyword accounts and dynamic search ads are rolled out with a few clicks. Maintenance is also easy with Google’s Big Query database in the background providing the possibility to make even big changes over many accounts easily.

Reporting & Analytics

We are using Cloud technologies like Google Big Query or Google Data Lab to show you the most important facts of your AdWords accounts. Benefit of your best practice reporting and analysis or talk to us for customized data analysis in Python or R.


When your account is set up with our feed solution we have lots of master data attributes that are connected to the keywords. With this information we can also predict bids for keywords that have very sparse data. We are using technologies like Google Big Query and Prediction API to solve this problem even for very large keyword sets.

Keyword Expansion

Scale the traffic volume with new keywords!

Product listing ads (PLA) and dynamic search ads (DSA) are ideal for identifying new search queries. The idea is not unknown. The real challenge is to match the potentially new keywords with the existing ones and add them to the right place in the account.


Stop wasting money on useless searches!

Identifying and filtering out unwanted searches is, in our opinion, a very big lever for efficiency optimization. Our text mining engine identifies new insights that are clearly superior to a mere consideration of the complete search phrase. If the user has decided to publish the suggestions, they will be rolled up to an account or to all accounts globally.

Link Checker

Do not send traffic to no longer existing pages!

With our Linkchecker module you can check the status codes of keywords, adtexts, sitelinks at regular intervals over several 100,000 URLs and label unwanted states for further processing in the accounts.


Be informed if there is something to do!

Create rules on AdWords report data, Google Analytics data and Pemavor analytics data to build your own data-driven to-do list. No matter if it’s an account or hundreds: the monitoring module continuously searches for abnormalities in the background and proactively notifies you based on their defined triggers.

Traffic Routing

Send the user traffic to the right place!

Is the user’s Google search triggered by the correct keyword? In many accounts, collisions between different keywords cause the user to get a generic ad and an inappropriate landing page on their specific search. If you systematically direct the search traffic to the right place, you benefit from better quality scores and a better conversion rate.

Anomaly Detection

Discover anomalies in the AdWords data early on and take the necessary action!

With a large number of accounts, dimensions and KPIs, the number of content to be monitored becomes quickly very large and can no longer be handled manually. This module automates this process.

PLA Query Routing

Separate good from bad searches within Google Shopping.

Only then will they become controllable for your bidding system. We create automated n-gram negatives lists to split the search queries as best as possible.

Location Bidding

Identify Locations Clusters and Smart Bid Modifiers!

Most of the time you do not have enough data to derive a modifier at granular locations. We have approaches to cluster the available Google Location Targets and calculate Bidmodifier based on large numbers. Especially in the B2B sector, there is a lot of potential for a more targeted approach.

Advanced Audits

Complex audits can also be carried out daily!

If our simple monitoring with the basic rules is not enough, the advanced audits will help. For all applications where data transformations or model calculations are necessary.