Stefan Neefischer’s Newsletter April 2021

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PEMAVOR Search Trends Tool: How is it done?

search trends tool PEMAVOR

Google Trends Chart Creator – that produces embeddable HTML Code you can use easily to add pretty looking search trends visualizations to your website.

The Rise of Python since 2004

Riseofphyton PEMAVOR

Which Programming Language you should learn? In these days you will find a lot of new code examples of Python solutions for marketing areas like SEO or PPC.

Analyzing Google Trends Data to get Covid insights for Germany

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You can find the data here and play around with the search terms if you like.

BigQuery ML

How to build a User-based Content Recommendation System for your Website with BigQuery (ML)

userbased PEMAVOR

Build a great website experience for your customer’s real journey. Alternatively, don’t wait them to return to your website: Send the recommendations per e-mail or integrate them into your product. Ensure your leads to come back and engage with your product or service.


A Closer Look on Google’s Display Placements

closerlook PEMAVOR

If you are running ads on Google Display Network you’d better check the placements where your ads are shown. You might be wasting precious budget on spam.

How to Identify High Quality Managed Placements for Google Display by Scraping the SERPs ?

stefan PEMAVOR

In the previous post I explained how to identify positive placements within your existing display campaigns. Today I want to talk about identifying new high quality placements that possibly never appeared by using automated placements yet.

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