Stefan Neefischer’s Newsletter February 2021

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Python Script: SEO Content Analysis of your competitor


Analyzing the content of your competitors can provide you with valuable insights about your own operations and goals. This basic Python script can give you information on n-grams in seconds. If you want to know more about n-gram Analysis please also have a look at our Free N-Gram Tool.

Python Status code checker for XML-Sitemap

2.phtonstatus PEMAVOR

Did you know that you can easily automate a lot of monitoring routines for important SEO KPIs yourself? Here is a small Python recipe that works with only one parameter!

Scrape the Google Autosuggest with Python

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Finding keywords with autocomplete may work fine. But can you do it fast and on scale? With this Python script, you can have 20,000 long tail keywords in less than 60 seconds!

SEO Keyword Clustering with Python

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Gaining new insights for your SEO projects takes less than 50 lines of code with Python.

II put the whole concept also in a free online keyword grouping tool on our website – feel free to take the shortcut. If you want to use Python for SEO and PPC for similar use cases keep on reading!

URL Status Code Checker with Python

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You can check your status codes for your Google Ads destination pages within a few hours, you can use a simple Python script. It even works for large accounts.

Analyzing Close Variant Matches in Google Ads with Python

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We have lost exact match keyword and “not significant” queries with the updates in Google Ads. But we can still measure the effects with a smart Python solution. Here’s how.

Build Automated SEO Audits with Slack+Python

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After my last LinkedIn post about the sitemap status code checker, a lot of people asked me to write about how it can be combined with Slack. So here it comes!

Free SERP Ranking Checker for 100 Keywords Per Day

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Check the SERP Rankings for 100 keywords per day with Google Custom Search Engine + App Script and save the results to Google Sheets. Schedule it for daily runs, and you get a fully automated solution – Totally FREE!

Get your free Spreadsheet Copy here.

N-Gram Analysis on Keyword Planner Data

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You can discover interesting search patterns for your SEO strategy by analyzing n-grams in big keyword lists. Here is a real life example of how easy and fast it can be done.

Use our free N-Gram Analyzer to get the exact same output I’m showing in this post.

FREE Tool: Daily Monitoring Of PageSpeed Insights

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A lot of people are using PageSpeed Insights in these days to improve their website speed. Every change on your website (e.g., new Plugins, Updates, etc.) can affect the Page Speed in a negative way. For that reason, we build a small solution that is automating the job for us on a daily basis – Totally FREE with Google Sheets + Apps Script + PageSpeed Insights API.

Free Online Tool: Group Your SEO Keywords Into Topics

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If you struggle with Python Programming but still want to use the grouping approach, I have good news for you! In this post, I’ll describe how to use our free online grouping tool to get results.

Semantic Keyword Clustering in Python

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After sharing some clustering approaches using TF-IDF Vectorizer for grouping keywords together, which works great for grouping keywords together that share the same text strings, I want to show you an accessible solution you can just download and run for semantic relationships.


How to clean close variant matches by using negative keywords?

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The negative effects of close variant matches on overall performance will lead to more challenges over time. Here is an approach to solve the hidden “not significant” search query problems and save those wasted budgets before too late.

Close variants could be the ultimate move to push smart bidding into the market

Google seems to have big plans for Smart Bidding. One can expect that they can alter their product in many ways for success. Close variants could be the ultimate move to push Smart Bidding into the market.

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Google seems to have big plans for Smart Bidding. One can expect that they can alter their product in many ways for success. Close variants could be the ultimate move to push Smart Bidding into the market.

Should You Add Negative Keywords on Campaign/Adgrouplevel or Use Shared Sets?

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Although the answer to this question differs according to the task at hand, using shared sets on MCC level has huge benefits when maintaining the negative keywords

Google Dropped Modified Broad – What Does It Mean?

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Google made a recent announcement in their post “Making it easier to reach the right customers on Search”. But did the changes really make it easier and more profitable? Here are my notes on what Google’s announcement really means.


What is a reasonable CTR in google display for your business?

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Having a “too good to be true” CTR most definitely means that you’re wasting budget on spam. Although there are no absolute values, you can determine a baseline CTR for quality placements.

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